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SRX15471138: GSM6201364: Fluconazole treated-Day3-replicate3 [FCZ_3_3 ]; Candida albicans SC5314; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 500) run: 97.7M spots, 8.1G bases, 3.5Gb downloads

External Id: GSM6201364_r1
Submitted by: M359, Biochemistry, Western University
Study: Candida albicans exhibits distinct cytoprotective responses to anti-fungal drugs
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We transcriptionally profiled thousands of C. albicans untreated and drug-treated cells at early and late timepoints by modifieying a single cell platform for fungal setting. Our DROP-seq set up was able to capture transcriptional signals in ~20K C. albicans . We were able to show cell-cell heterogeneity in seemingly isogenic populations of C. albicans untreated cells that coupled with cell cycle checkpoints. We also observed that individuals treating with different anti-fungals were partitioned into 20 subpopulations. The data shows a bifurcation into two major responses, term ?? and ?? responses, two days post-treatment. A transition from ?? response to ?? response was observed at day 3 which stay consistent to day 6. Bulk DNA sequencing does not show genomic abberation to be related to either ?? or ?? responses and the resistance does not change from day two to day six in diffusion disk assay. This can be an evidence of selection for cells that are able to mount an efficient tolerance response to anti-fungals early post treatment.Targeting ?? cells, or genes and pathways that support the ?? to ?? transition are interesting avenues to block drug tolerance. Overall design: Transcription profiling of C.albicans before and after drug treatment with single cell approches.
Sample: Fluconazole treated-Day3-replicate3 [FCZ_3_3 ]
SAMN28681400 • SRS13188225 • All experiments • All runs
Name: GSM6201364
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Cells were suspended in RNAlater and stored in -20 for 2 to 3 days. After Zymolyase digestion to make spheroplasts, the transcriptomes of single cells were captured by polyT oligonucleotides attached to the surface of specific microparticles(Chemegenes beads) in a microfluidic device. cDNAs were made and amplified for sequencing as described in Macosko et al 2015. 600pg cDNA were used for making sequencing libraries. Sequencing libraries were prepared using Illumina protocol and samples were sequenced with Nextseq500-- 0.5 Flowcell High Output (200 M fragments)-- 75 cycles Single-End read (maximum 1x85 nt)
Runs: 1 run, 97.7M spots, 8.1G bases, 3.5Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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